AWeb progressive animated GIF plugin

Available from the AmiTrix AWeb Home Page 
Note: If you have installed the AnimGIF plugin, you may want to change the reference to this page to the "../animgif/index.html" docs page supplied with the plugin.


These days animated gifs are getting more and more popular to give internet pages a nice extra touch. For AWeb users these animations were just shown as the first image of the animation. Until now! This plugin for AWeb will decode and play (nearly) all gif animations on the world wide web making AWeb the Amiga internet browser which is able to show you the pages as they where meant to be!

Not only animations are supported, normal gif images are handled by this plugin as well. It will show them in a progressive manner, meaning that you can see images being built-up during their download.


This is what you'll need to be able to use this plugin:


This plugin is shareware. The demo version is complete, but will display a message text over the second half of the animation reminding you that you haven't registered yet.

For more information about registration see the full docs included with the plugin.

Future improvements

Planned improvements for the near future are:


Programming:Supporting company:Beta-Testing:ARexx coding:
Willem Mestrom
Vincent Groenewold, Yvon Rozijn and the AWeb Beta-testers
Gabriele Favrin

Contact the author Willem Mestrom
via Vincent Groenewold.